For the Glory Performance is about developing athletes and pushing your limits to perform at your best and ignite the feeling of glory by accomplishing your goals.

About Coach

Gavin Colley

Hello Sprinters, Athletes, and Future Sprinters,

I am Gavin Colley and I am a short sprinting coach with a passion for the science behind getting stronger and faster. In 2015, I graduated from Widener University as a NCAA Division III Track and Field All-American in the 60 meter dash and three-time qualifier for NCAA Division III Track and Field Championships in the 100 meter dash. After graduating from Widener, I received a scholarship to run at the University of East London where I had the chance to compete all over Europe against both national and international athletes.

Even though I had many successes in college, afterwards I felt stuck. I spent years training for hours without proper guidance from a coach and it became frustrating and exhausting. I wanted to be the absolute best I could be, but felt as if I was not going anywhere in my training and sprinting performance and I knew something had to change.

I began educating myself on the biomechanics behind sprinting, attended many workshops where I earned a USATF Level II Coaching Certification in Sprints, Hurdles, and Relays, and studied countless training programs to see what would make the most consistent and efficient sprinter. To make good use of my research, I developed a training program for sprinters and athletes that focuses on power production, explosive acceleration patterns, and max velocity development. I have continued to train and compete at meets all over the USA as a member of a semi-professional track team and have also coached sprinters and athletes using this training program.

For The Glory Performance Mission Statement

As a coach, I strive to transform the lives of people who want to perform at the highest level in sprinting using scientifically proven and affordable training programs. For the Glory Performance was created out of this desire. My coach in college always spoke about training and competing “for the glory of battle” and “for the glory of winning.” His words stuck with me over the years and I wanted others to experience the infectious feeling of glory as well. For the Glory Performance is about pushing your limits to be your best and performing for the feeling of glory through accomplishing your goals. As your coach, I will put you in the position to sprint your fastest and experience your own glory.



Anthony Jackson

USATF Masters Sprinter, 60 & 100

Coach Colley possesses the knowledge and tools necessary for athletes to be successful in their discipline. He provides feedback and insight on your training and tailors your training to build up your weaknesses while highlighting and amplifying strengths.

Coach Colley is responsive, positive, and committed to attaining success in track & field. His attitude of gratitude and positivity is contagious for those training under his program, enabling the athletes to reach levels they have yet to experience.

Alonzo Ogunde

Collegiate Sprinter, 200 & 400

Coach Colley's FTG Sprint Program has been a blessing.

I am a rising junior sprinter 400m/200m at Lincoln university.

In the program he broke down my start and pointed out my weaknesses and guided me with training to strengthen and correct my flaws.

During the program I became more aware of the foundations and skills of sprinting, I feel ready and faster to start my 3rd year at College.

Coach Colley’s passion and experience for the sport of sprinting is well represented in the program and feel more powerful and technical as a sprinter!

Gabriel Truehart

All-State New Jersey Sprinter, 200 & 400

Gavin was my coach for 8 months and in that time frame I have been able to get into the best shape possible.

I became technically sound, because Gavin was able to help me improve my start and tweaking my technique.

The communication and dedication he puts into the sport and his athletes is real.

Omaji Odey

Post-Collegiate Sprinter, 100 & 200

This program has taken me very far. As a post collegiate athlete and starting a very rigorous career. Gavin has helped me stay on top of all my responsibilities. Without this program, I wouldn’t know how to formulate any workout plan that is consistent with my bodies needs. There are coaches out there who do not seem to care about their athletes, I can 1000% guarantee that Gavin is not one of them and will take you far!!!

George Alexandris

Greek National Sprinter, 100, 200 & 400

FTG Performance has provided me with an in depth and detailed sprint analysis of my block start. As a 200m specialist I’ve always struggled with my first 30m. My acceleration is not on the level of my top end speed. The video analysis enabled me to see what exactly I needed to do in order to help my positioning of my hips, torso, arms, and body as a whole, in order to maximize my power output and ultimately accelerate faster. I can say that since I have worked with FTG till now, my 200m time has gone from 21.71 to 21.10 where it stands today. I highly suggest this service to any athlete who is looking to move with more efficiency

Erick Stehlik

Post-Collegiate Sprinter, 200 & 400

Over the past few years I have gone through a variety of collegiate and post-collegiate sprinting plans trying to find one that worked for me. After completing the first 15 weeks of the FTG 40 week plan, I have found that it presents a great mix of form, tempo, and speed endurance work. The running work is paired with a well laid out lifting plan and video explainations of all the movements (a huge plus). While it does not include everything you get from one-on-one program, it give a great framework for athletes of all levels to build off of. Overall, the plan presents a great value for anyone trying to get faster!

Charles Butz

Collegiate Sprint Coach, 20+ years

This is a very in depth sprint program geared towards short sprinters. This framework of this program is put together in a very logical progression that will help a sprinter measure their success. There is an exceptional variety of lifting, technique, and sprinting that are assembled in a format that will help any runner reach their goal.

Chris Stinson

Collegiate Sprinter 200 & 400

I’ve been apart of FTG sprint training for over 12 months now. I have PR almost every week, whether it was squatting , running, and I also have become more flexible. I couldn’t tell you how inflexible the first week I started training. Now I am faster, more flexible and more developed in endurance and form when running. FTG will help anyone become the fastest and strongest version of themselves. All you got to do is follow the plan and it will take you places. I couldn’t thank Gavin Colley anymore as he has consistently been there to help me become the fastest version of myself. I highly recommend FTG performance.

Allison Reuter

New Jersey High School Track & Field Coach,

If you are a high school coach looking for some help with your sprints. Look no further. Gavin was able to give me some basic training for my athletes. What I didn’t know was with the programming I would also be able to gain an even deeper understanding for spring training.Gavin is so knowledgeable and his programming was so helpful to me and my athletes.

I appreciate the time Gavin took to make sure all of my questions were answered and to make sure I had a clear understanding of not only what is to be done, through his thorough programming and resources. But also took the time to explain why. I believe Gavin’s wealth of knowledge, understanding for teaching information successfully, and years of training experiences has helped him create a program great for any athlete or coach

Jermaine Dwight

Post-Collegiate Sprinter, 100, 200 & 400

Coach Colley clued me into my weaknesses and my strengths. He showed me how to improve on both the major and minor details that I’ve overlooked.

Definitely going to use the insight to improve for next season!

Frank Wallace

NAIA Track & Field Head Coach

Gavin has put a lot if time and effort into this year long plan for the short sprints. There is a lot of knowledge and simplicity to take away from the training plan. The best of both worlds in training which is needed for sprinters.

The biggest thing I've noticed was the progression of from week 1 to 40. Everything is introduced in micro stages and built upon as the weeks go on. That is how you build a base and make sure that its very sound.

Jack Tyler

Baseball, IMG Academy

Gavin is a great trainer who really understands what each individual athlete needs. He is able to use his experience as a record setting runner at Widener to customize a program a for you. As a baseball player, Gavin made a big difference in my 60 yard dash time which has really helped me.

Dominic George

Collegiate Sprinter, 100 & 200

I’ve sent multiple videos of my block sessions and have received valuable feedback! The feedback received, I’ve been applying to every one of my speed sessions containing blocks. He goes into great detail in terms of ankle stiffness, block clearance, my strengths, my weaknesses, what to improve on, and exercises to do for improvement. Highly recommend sending videos for analysis if you need specific details to get better!


New Jersey High School Sprinter, 100 & 200

Before I started training with Coach Colley, I really didn't think I had what it took to become a good sprinter. On my first practice with him I vividly remember him showing me the warmup, stretches, and workouts that he made for us and I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. With Coach Colley's help, he has taught me to have confidence in my ability to be great. He has also helped me be the fastest I've ever been in my life and for that I thank him.

Ben Ho

New York High School Sprinter, 100 & 200

Coach Colley was my next step to progressing in my track and field career for sure. They shared much knowledge with me and my abilities, as well as gave me very useful tips in order for me to progress in my sprinting abilities. To anyone who needs help with sprinting starts, this is the person to go to.

Vincenzo Battaglia

Post-Collegiate Sprinter & New York Speed Coach

ncredibly descriptive and thoughtout explanation to my block start and clearance. Each aspect of the start and drive phase was meticulously broken down with solutions to the critiques as well. I’m very pleased with the results and will definitely continue to contact Gavin for future help

For the Glory Performance LLC

Established 2023

